Wednesday, September 22, 2010

here's another from the front

20 Weeks

Due to so many asking when I'm going to post pictures of my belly I have decided that I should finally go ahead and do it. After Steven took these pictures I about died because I didn't realize that it was soo BIG!!! It feels big but I didn't know the extent I guess. Haha. And I know, I know, it'll get bigger. it is...20 weeks and now on the down slope till the count-down of having her!

Monday, September 13, 2010

It's a GIRL!!

Steven and I had our second ultrasound last Friday. We went into the doctor's office a little nervous and ready to accept whatever we found out. He wanted a boy and I didn't really care too much but deep down kind of wanted a girl. :) (Girls are fun and I'll get to paint her nails and put bows on her and all kinds of fun things! haha) So we went back into the room and they looked for any abnormalities and the ultrasound lady said something about I can't see the profile yet but "she" looks likes a girl. And..of course I did shed a tear or two... What?'s legit to cry over something like that!...Right? :) Anyway... we never got to see her profile because she was face down towards my spine and wouldn't cooperate. :) But she was 9 ounces and in the 59th percentile for her age. She had the hiccups and it was sooo cute! But everything went well and we can't believe we're having a child! I'm soo excited!